Release Date: September 2024

Release Notes: September 3

Release highlights in this article

New Features: Online Ordering

Size Name Display for Combo Items

When selecting combo items that include size options, the display now shows the size name next to the item selection. This enhancement clarifies upgrade costs for customers, such as upgrading a small side to a medium or large with the corresponding price difference. This configuration aids in accurately conveying product and pricing information to users directly on the menu.

Fraud Score Email Alerts

Fraud alerts are now triggered via email for all store Manage Admins when an order reaches the fraud alert score, ensuring that clients who don't use tablets are promptly informed of potential fraudulent activities. This enhancement improves visibility and responsiveness to fraud risks across different order channels.

Restaurant Logo Unification

Streamlined the process for managing restaurant logos by creating a single, merchant-level logo that sets reasonable defaults across various settings. Users can still overwrite default logos for specific needs like Favicons, Default Menu Item Images, and Progressive Web App icons. Removed the Locations Page Logo to simplify configuration. Improved user communication regarding logo usage to ensure clarity on requirements and defaults.


Updates & Fixes: Online Ordering

Pizza Crust Modifier Order

Pizza crust modifiers are now displayed in the correct order from smallest to largest, enhancing the guest ordering experience.

Toppings Not Being Sent To Grubhub

Resolved an issue where several restaurant locations were not displaying toppings for cheese and specialty pizzas on Grubhub.

Item Validity in Data Sources

Resolved an issue where valid PDI UPC items were being incorrectly disabled by Data Sources.

Entity Array Issue When Submitting Orders to PDI

Resolved an issue where the "entity" array was blank in test orders submitted to PDI.