Release Date: February 2023

Release Notes: February 17

Release highlights in this article

New Features

  • Those who use the Aloha User Program are now able to select a reward based on what guests would like to redeem on their account.
  • Online Ordering now offers enterprise settings management, which allows clients to publish store settings across sites that have them in common. Additionally, settings that may be unique to a site (like the phone number) can be bulk-configured and managed on a single page.
  • Item tagging in Online Ordering now works with enterprise menu management and can be configured at the client level rather than just on a specific site.
  • Online Ordering now supports bag and cup fees at the order level via new configuration parameters. Expanded tax-and-fee logic also allows for minimum and maximum subtotals to which taxes apply.
  • Online Ordering has a new integration webhook that enables integrators to subscribe to menu updates so they don’t need to keep checking for menu changes.
  • The order-receiving tablet application for Online Ordering now supports a language toggle for the names of menu items. They can be viewed in a language other than English if proper translations have been provided for that particular language.
  • Customers can now be offered different levels of rewards and perks based on their subscription tier or billing cadence (monthly, quarterly, or annually). Additionally, free trials can be added to subscription programs.
  • After some initial configuration from a Paytronix representative, transactional emails can be set up to be edited directly by clients.

Updates & Fixes

  • Links to the Online Ordering feedback surveys now connect to the portal that the user is familiar with rather than the generic production URL.
  • Order Experience Builder now supports customizing the text label associated with the “coupon / comp card” input field at checkout for the prebuilt online ordering experiences.
  • Order Experience Builder now supports customizing the text label associated with the “search by location” button for the prebuilt online ordering experiences.
  • Order Experience Builder, which previously supported G-tags, has been upgraded to support Google Tag Manager.
  • The #1 and #4 prebuilt experiences in Online Ordering now display all items in a category rather than showing only a handful and hiding the rest behind a “show more” button.
  • Order Experience Builder accommodates the loading of large images by resizing files ahead of time.
  • If the tax amount is configured to not be displayed when it’s $0, Order Experience Builder now properly hides it on the order.
  • Guests who use Order Experience Builder in a different time zone than that of the store they’re ordering from now see opening and closing times that reflect the actual store hours.
  • The #4 prebuilt experience in Online Ordering now properly respects the default order type.
  • An issue that occasionally kept users from being taken to the signup form for prebuilt experience #4 has been resolved.
  • The store download page in Online Ordering has a new field that indicates the linked PDI location ID to allow for easy auditing of which sites are connected to PDI.
  • The ability to adjust store prep times via the order-receiving tablet can now be turned off and controlled with backend admin settings.
  • The devices report for Online Ordering now shows historical data for when tablets have gone offline.
  • Offline notifications for Online Ordering can now be set to go to an order-monitoring email rather than just the store admins on the site.
  • The Xenial POS allows additional taxes/fees to be tied to a specific item.
  • A tax can now be applied to another tax or fee, such as a special tax on bag fees.
  • The Online Ordering integration with the Brink point of sale now supports applying more than one discount to an order.
  • A new rule in the PXS prohibits adding 999 million or more to a wallet, and any transaction exceeding that limit will be rejected with an error notification.