Release Date: August 2022

Release Notes: August 21

Release highlights in this article

New Features

  • The branded mobile code base is now compatible with Android 13 OS and Apple iOS 16.


  • The Brink integration now syncs menu modifiers with the Order & Delivery menu.
  • In Order & Delivery, the guest-facing order experience now supports the ability to locate a user based on their GPS and find stores nearby.
  • Order & Delivery has removed a flag to publish item-level taxes to Uber and now will automatically publish item-level taxes to Uber by default.
  • The PDI integration now includes:
    • The ability to filter imported products based on a custom attribute field
    • The ability to search and add items to the Order & Delivery menu by UPC code
    • Conformity with changes made to the API endpoints


  • Guests are now able to reuse the same payment nickname when updating their subscription payment information.
  • The state dropdown for the subscription signup page now includes only the states where you have stores configured.
  • When guests enter incorrect CVV or billing information for their credit card payments, they now receive more descriptive error messages than “failed to connect to gateway.”
  • Several system-generated emails (e.g., those with weekly stats) failed to send due to a queue issue and a formatting issue, but both of them have been resolved.
  • The Grubhub marketplace integration now enables the pushing of specific hours on items.
  • Semi-publishable menu items now get published to third-party marketplaces with modified option groups rather than being removed from publishing altogether.
  • Holiday hours now push to DoorDash if the start of them coincides with the day of the push.