Release Date: August 2020

Release Notes: August 16, 2020 – August 29, 2020

Release highlights in this article

New Features

With the Order & Delivery platform, integrators can now retrieve images of menu items options via our API.

Clients using Xenial POS with Order & Delivery have the option of implementing levels for menu items options. Some examples of levels include “normal,” “light,” and “extra.”

Curbside vehicle information flows through the POSitouch integration for Order & Delivery. This enhancement provides the in-store staff with more clarity about pickup.

Clients that use POS menu sync now have more flexibility regarding how their menus are displayed online. POS-synced menu options can be collapsible, and merchants can introduce visual menu items through the O&D portal.

We now support contactless dining for POSitouch users. Guests are able to view the menu, order multiple rounds, and close their check using their mobile device. This safe, contactless dine-in experience is available to all.

Handoff customers can toggle specific marketplaces on and off. This helps brands minimize negative guest experiences due to third-party service disruptions.

The branded iOS app now supports iOS 13.6.1.

Moving forward, all Android apps will meet Google’s target API level of 29.



Integrators can now retrieve curbside vehicle information through our API.

We’ve made some updates to our Aloha integration to enhance Order & Delivery functionality:

  • Curbside vehicle information appears in the “curbside” fields instead of a “text note” field.
  • How modifiers are pulled from Aloha has been improved to simplify the setup of your online menu.

Our branded app updates include the following:

  • Available delivery locations are surfaced based on the guest’s location, making it easier to complete checkout.
  • Functionality has been added so that any payment value can be used with a $0 check.
  • Recent orders can be accessed from the side drawer of the native Order & Delivery app.
  • The native Order & Delivery app lets guests select light, regular, or extra toppings.
  • Itemized values have been added to the basket screen of the native Order & Delivery app, enabling guests to see the exact costs of the toppings on their pizza.